- There is a remarkable theory in Ayurveda to the effect that man is a miniature form of the universe, a ‘microcosm’ of the macrocosm.
- The material contents of man and universe are constituted of the same five primal
elements: prthvi (solid component to both), apas (the liquid), tejas (the radient energy, body heat, digestive fire), vayu (air), and akasa (the orifices and empty spaces inside the body)
Ayurvedic Definition of Health
In Ayurvedic medicine, health is defined as soundness of sarira (body), manas (mind) and atman (self). Each of these must be nurtured if the individual is to have good health.
Concept of Disease
Ayurveda is basically a humoural medical system and conceives of three essential humours, which cause disease if they become imbalanced.
These three humours are:
vata (air),
pitta (bile) and
kapha (phlegm), occasionally in the surgical tradition a fourth humour – blood – was also added.
i. Vayu
- Vayu is self-begotten, eternal, all pervading and all-powerful in its action and
control over all space. - It controls the creation, growth and disintegration of all living organisms.
- According to location and functions it is of five types: prana vayu (maintain the
breath, transmit food), udana vayu (vocal sound, song, speech are depend upon
it), samana vayu (causes digestion), vyana vayu (causes perspiration) and apana
vayu (causes the downward movement of stool, urine, semen and menses).
ii. Pitta
- Pitta is the cosmic fiery principle. It is responsible for the creation in the body of heat, energy, all forms of radiant energy, pumping action of heart, skin temperature, vitality of blood.
- In the body, pitta is of five types: ranjaka pitta (colour producing fire), pacaka pitta (digestive fire), sadhaka pitta (motion giving fire), alocaka pitta (vision giving fire) and bhrajaka pitta (lustre giving fire).
iii. Kapha
- Kapha supplies the placid and cooling principles to the body. According to location
and function kapha is of five kinds: kladaka (supply mucous to the system), avalambaka (transport the blood fluids), vodhaka (tasting agent), tarpaka (irrigating agent) and slesmaka (binding agent). - Vyadhis (diseases) are caused by derangement of one or more of the three humours
and also blood. - According to Samhitas, vyadhi (diseases) may be four ypes: agantuja (extraneous),
sarira(internal), manasa (mental) and svabhavika (natural).