Land is the most important part of agricultural production. Due to continuous cropping in the soil, nutrient levels fluctuate. Hence nutrients have to be added in required quantity to maintain soil fertility.

  • Getting the land tested.
  • Apply chemical fertilizers only as per soil health card recommendation.
  • Balanced use of chemical fertilizers.
  • Do not overuse urea fertilizers.
  • DAP alone for phosphorus. Also use Single Super Phosphate (SSP) instead.
  • Using organic fertilizers.
  • Taking ground cover leguminous crops as mixed / intercropping.
  • Using organic fertilizers.
  • Crops should be alternated with pulses after cereals.
  • Green neighborhood.
  • Purification of water and then irrigation.
  • Using soil improvers.
  • Use Gypsum / Sulfur / Ammonium Sulphate to correct sulfur deficiency in soil.
  • Use micronutrients as recommended where needed.
  • Overwatering also deteriorates soil health. Fertility decreases and productivity also decreases.

Side effects of heavy and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers.

  • Decrease in humus and organic matter in the soil.
  • Reduce the activity of micro-organisms in the soil.
  • Damage to the environment.
  • Deficiency in the soil of nutrients required by crops.
  • Change in biological chemical processes in soil.
  • Soil effect on soil productivity.
  • Decrease in crop productivity and quality.

Only if we know the effect of the soil, the missing nutrients can be known and the missing elements can be given as fertilizers. Considering this important matter for getting more crop production, Gujarat has set a new expectation for the entire country by undertaking a campaign to prepare soil health card of the farmers of the state.

How to take soil sample?

To take soil samples from 10 to 20 places of uniform soil by moving around the field in a spiral.

15 cm in the soil with a spade. Make a deep ‘V’ shaped pit and take a soil sample from both edges till the bottom of the soil

Mix the soil samples taken and divide them into four parts. Remove the two opposite parts. Pile again and proceed as before to extract two portions until approximately 500 to 750 g of sample remains.

Put the soil sample taken in a plastic bag, put it in a cloth bag. Attach a slip showing name, address, survey no., farm name etc. and send it to the nearest laboratory for chemical analysis.

Benefits of Soil Health Card

  • Balanced use of nutrients creates sustainable agriculture.
  • Beans of fertilizers prevent soil degradation by necessary and indiscriminate use.
  • Nutrient availability can be given to crops as required.
  • The cost of crop production is reduced.
  • Land reform measures can be taken.

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