How To Grow Sugar Cane – Scientific Cultivation System of Sugarcane Crop

Sugarcane is the second largest commercial crop in India and sugarcane is cultivated in an area of about 50 lakh hectares. India ranks second in sugarcane production after Brazil. Sugar industry has a very important contribution to the rural economy as sugar mills are located in rural areas and provide employment to the rural people. A good increase in the area under sugarcane crop has been seen with the increase in the facilities required for sugarcane cultivation in the state of Gujarat. The current average yield of 74 tonnes per hectare can be increased to 100 tonnes due to improved varieties and modern farming practices recommended by research and the average recovery of 10.4 per cent ruled out the possibility of achieving 11.0 to 12 per cent. Can’t be done. For the last six-seven years, there has been a stagnation in the sugarcane crop while the pest infestation is increasing along with the prices. Planting while keeping in mind the important issues of sugarcane cultivation has saved the cost of production and obtained quality production can be.

Land and its preparation

In light to medium black well-drained, heavy black soil with good drainage system and take crop. Chisel plowing in soil that has hard layers. To prepare the soil by first deep plowing with an iron plow in normal soil.

Planting Time:

Mid October to mid February.

Seed selection and rate:

Selection of seeds from 8-10 months seed plot. Cane tops should not be used for sowing. Sow 50,000 two-eyed or 35,000 three-eyed pieces per hectare. Immerse the seed pieces in a solution of malathion (2.0 ml/l) with a fungicide (2.0 g/l) or carbendazim (1.0 g/l) for 5 to 10 minutes.


As intercrops in sugarcane, gram, onion, garlic and other crops are economically more nutritious as per the convenience of cultivation. Where gram intercropping is to be done, pendimethalin 1.0 kg/ha is applied three to four days after sugarcane sowing after sowing gram (2 or 3 harvests). Spray herbicide accordingly.

Fertilizer System:

Apply 25.0 ton of manure per hectare or 12 to 15 ton of old press mud or 6.00 kg of diluvium at the time of planting. 50-125-125 kg/ha for planting crops. No. Fo. P.O. (Nitrogen fertilizer applied in four installments of 15%, 30%, 20% and 35% at planting, 1.5, 3 and 5 months respectively.) and 300- 62.5-125 kg/ha to lam crop. No. Fo. Po. to give (Nitrogen 25 per cent in three installments as base fertilizer 50 per cent at two to three months, 25 per cent at tillering) After planting 30 And two km/ha in 60 days. 25% nitrogen can be saved by using.

Irrigation system:

Planting crops require a total of 14 irrigations of 80 mm at an interval of 25 days from RAR in winter and 14 to 18 days in summer while 13 irrigations at 25 days from RAR in winter and 15 to 20 days in summer are required in twin furrows. After sowing, if there is a dripper of 4.0 liters per hour, it should be run at one day interval for 46 minutes during October to March, 60 to 8 minutes during April to June and 34 to 46 minutes during July to September if there is no rain. 40 to 50 percent water and fertilizer can be saved by applying soluble fertilizers along with drip.

Weeding System:

Keep the crop free from weeds for 90 to 120 days. If labor is not available, it is necessary to control the weeds by using any herbicide.

  • (1) Atrazine (pre-emergence) at 2.0 kg/ha and 2,4-D sodium salt at 1.0 kg/ha after 60 days of sowing.
  • (2) Metribuzin (pre emergence) 1.0 kg/ha. Spraying and hand weeding once after 60 days of sowing.
  • (3) Pendimethalin (pre emergence) 1.0 kg/ha. Spraying and hand weeding once after 60 days of sowing.
  • (4) Spray glyphosate 1.0 kg/ha 20 days after sowing and hand weeding once after 60 days of sowing. Any one of the above insecticides at the rate of 600 liters per hectare. Make a solution in water and spray. Pendimethalin generally should not be used at the time of sugarcane planting after paddy.

Importance of seeds and seed production in sugarcane cultivation:

Sugarcane is grown by vegetative propagation (planting cuttings). Hence, along with genetic purity, disease-pest problems also come with the seeds if not taken care of. Thus seed production is a very important factor in sugarcane cultivation. So every farmer or two to three farmer friends should make a seed plot in group. So that healthy and fresh seeds are available on time with low cost of transportation.

  • (1) For the seed plot, to select a field which has not experienced drought/fall in the previous year and has crops other than sugarcane/green pasture and has good water/road facilities.
  • (2) 30 days old plants prepared from one-eyed cuttings or one-eyed cuttings 90×50 cm for rapid seed germination of new sugarcane varieties. 90 × 80 cm. Good seed growth ratio can be obtained by planting at a distance of
  • (3) At the time of planting, seed plots should be sown in such a way that 8 to 10 months old pumpkin seeds are available. 50.0 kg per hectare to the seed plot in the first week of September or October. Provide additional nitrogen. Also do not remove the following dry pages.
  • (4) Planting tissue culture plants at 1 × 1 meter spacing for healthy and disease free seeds of sugarcane. 

1 Comment
  • wqewqe
    January 2, 2024 at 7:37 am


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